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Understanding the Six Sigma Principles

six sigma principles

The Six Sigma principles have been used in organizations for years. These principles are used in organizations for measuring quality and increasing the performance and continuous improvement within the company. It is an approach that the firm uses for eliminating the errors and defects of the company and providing the customers with value for maintaining their trust. The six sigma principles play a significant role in improving the quality and processes when applied.

Two six sigma approaches are used for detecting errors and eliminating them. The two approaches are:

  1. Six Sigma DMAIC
  2. Six Sigma DMADV

What Is Six Sigma DMAIC

Six Sigma DMAIC is an approach that is used for existing or currently handled processes. The DMAIC stands for

  • Define
  • Measure
  • Analyze
  • Improve
  • Control

This approach helps in the following ways:

  • It Defines the problem and provides solutions for the current issue of the company.
  • It Measures the risks in the process and solves it by eliminating those risks.
  • It is used to Analyze the data to detect the errors and defects in the current problem.
  • It eliminates the defects and errors and Improve the situation effectively.
  • It is used for monitoring and Controlling the situation for further improvements in different areas related to the problem.

What is Six Sigma DMADV

This approach is used for handling a new situation or a new process to solve any problem of the company. It stands for

  • Define
  • Measure
  • Analyze
  • Design
  • Verify

This method works in the following ways:

  • It Defines the process and guides the managers and the employees about the specific goals we want to achieve.
  • It Measures the high and low amount of risks in the new process.
  • It Analyze the data to gather information that will help to solve the problems.
  • It will Design the required change to recover the process from errors and defects.
  • It Verifies that the new changes to the design will make improvement in the process.

Six Sigma Principles

The six sigma principles enhance the improvement in the new and current processes to increase the effectiveness of the organization. Let’s have a brief discussion on these key principles that play a vital role in improving the quality and generate a bright future for the organization.

  1. It focuses on the customers: The primary key principle of the six sigma is that it revolves around the customer needs. It makes sure that the whole process is working to enhance the value for the customers and gain their trust for a long-term benefit of the company. The customers need the most important point on which these principles focus.
  2. It identifies the problems: These principles identify all the minor and major problems related to a process. It catches the root of the problems that help the company to identify the main reason for all the problems. To reach the source of the problem, many statistical and analytic methods are used for achieving the correct errors and defects.
  3. Continuous improvement in the process: The best part is that it continuously improves the process and eliminates variations. Through this principle, several changes are made to increase the improvement in the process, and through every change, there will be continuous improvement.
  4. Team work: In every company there is a group that handles and executes these six sigma principles. So, these principles give a chance to the employees and managers to work together and achieve the goals of the company. It increases the trust, loyalty and friendship between the staff of the company and through teamwork and effective leadership the company can achieve more goals than when working individually. These principles also provides a chance for every employee to show off his skills for executing the process.
  5. Be determined, motivated and flexible: The employees should be determined and highly motivated to recover the problems and execute new changes again and again to solve the errors in the process.


These six sigma principles can be used for new and current processes for detecting errors and defects. Through these key principles, one can quickly eliminate the errors and variations through effective teamwork and leadership. It brings together people with different skills to work together for completing the goals of the company.

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