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Lean Articles

Heijunka Used for Leveled Scheduling

What is Heijunka? In the corporate world, executives and managers have to be conscious of the fact, that it takes some effort to maintain a steady work flow. Basically, Heijunka is a lean methodology used for dropping the irregularity in a manufacturing process and reducing the possibility of overload. [...]

By |September 6th, 2021|Categories: Lean Articles|Comments Off on Heijunka Used for Leveled Scheduling

How to Draw a Pareto Chart and What It Will Show

Pareto chart is simply a basic quality tool to help identify frequent defects, complaints, or other factors as part of a data analysis study. It is a deceivingly simple concept which can have huge benefits when analysing data. The Pareto owns its existence to Vilfredo Pareto. The famed economist [...]

By |March 29th, 2021|Categories: Lean Articles|Comments Off on How to Draw a Pareto Chart and What It Will Show

Driving and Restraining Forces in Field Force Analysis

In our life, we often come across a point where we have to make a tough decision for ourselves such as starting a new chapter or embrace a change. At that point, we sometimes find ourselves helpless, clueless and with no solution to the problem. While assessing if and [...]

By |March 15th, 2021|Categories: Lean Articles|Comments Off on Driving and Restraining Forces in Field Force Analysis

How to Implement Kaizen in an Organization

Kaizen is continuous improvements where changes are required in organization’s processes. The approach could either be a one time implementation or a step by step change over time. One of the top benefits provide by Kaizen is that it is continuous and not a time limited process. Kaizen offers [...]

By |February 15th, 2021|Categories: Lean Articles|Comments Off on How to Implement Kaizen in an Organization

Just in Time Manufacturing Examples for Production

Manufacturing within companies have evolved over several years and Toyota has been one of the key players to revolutionize manufacturing through adopting just-in-time (JIT) as part of their lean manufacturing system. The methodology of this generally customed to minimize and decrease the production timeline and only produce what is [...]

By |January 18th, 2021|Categories: Lean Articles|Comments Off on Just in Time Manufacturing Examples for Production

The Kanban Implementation Steps for Manufacturing

For a successful implementation of Kanban within manufacturing, you must ensure you have set right environment for it. The further you are from ideal situation; the more work is required to implement this system. Following are ideal situations which should be considered during Kanban implementation steps: Keep constant prediction [...]

By |January 4th, 2021|Categories: Lean Articles|Comments Off on The Kanban Implementation Steps for Manufacturing
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